First Group Meetup in NYC

I had no idea that there was so much demand for this kind of group in my area. It just goes to show that people are looking for a meetup group like this; all they need is someone to start it up. I met a lot of great, interesting people around my age, with all sorts of different occupations and backgrounds: finance, engineering, lawyers, and doctors. They were all here and motivated to meet people, so the conversation flowed readily.
It made me wonder where all these people I’d been looking for had been hiding; I would’ve had to swipe for days on a dating app to find so many people I was able to easily connect with. The parents’ WeChat network is really powerful. I definitely wouldn’t have met these people without it, and the parents facilitated much of the “marketing” to find club members that I wouldn’t have been able to do on my own.
I’ve followed up with some of the great people I met during the first event, and people have already been asking about when the next event will be. Over 100 people have expressed interest in the club, the WeChat network has spread to encompass over 3000 families, and attendees from the first meetup are spreading the word through their networks.
We’ve set up a Facebook group for our area to facilitate connecting with each other outside of meetup events. I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to make some great matches, both for long-term relationships and for new friendships in the area. If there isn’t a group set up in your area, I would strongly recommend taking a step forward and starting it up. It’s not difficult to do, and it’s so rewarding to create opportunities for both yourself and for others.
Please join our online Young professionals social club, and have fun with our club members in New York, Boston, Bay Area, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, and DC.
For more information, please scan and join us!